The Blessing Project
Imagine what can happen when a simple question is asked, “How can we help?”
In late March, parents of a home school program and a mothers group located in an East Asia city were concerned about the global spread of the COVID-19 virus and heard that face masks were scarce and hard to find. So, they inquired who might have need. What began as a simple inquiry became a worldwide opportunity of faith, hospitality, and generosity.
L contacted Pui Tak Center to see if they could use face masks. She thought that they might need a couple of hundred. A bit stunned that they could use 5000, she reached out to her community, “Can we do this?”
L knew a factory owner who had been willing to donate masks, but this was more than the person could supply. How could we secure more? She reached out to friends skilled in problem solving and networking. More people got excited and began praying fervently for God’s provision. Donations, small and large, came in. Within a day, they had received enough money to pay for all 5000 masks.
As more heard, hearts were moved to share in the pain and suffering in Italy, England, Scotland, and in Los Angeles. By God’s grace and favor, within two weeks, funds were raised to buy over 36,000 face masks and ship them to five locations. Through their sacrifice and sharing of their resources, this collective of home school parents and mothers group raised over $17,000 for “The Blessing Project.” One mother said, “I don’t have a lot to give, but I hope it helps.” L told her that her gift added to other gifts helps many people. She was thankful.
In their East Asian city, the lock down to stop the virus led to loss of jobs and income. Some owned or worked in factories that had to temporarily close. A few worked at hotels that were empty. One mom was a restaurant hostess which also shuttered for business. Yet they all wanted to be involved. These two group of ordinary Christians hope that this gift will show the hope and love of God to many in this world and be both a physical and spiritual blessing to each person who receives a mask.
The story didn’t just end here. After being blocked by customs since early April, the final 10,000 masks for Chicago arrived on May 29th. During the past two months, the Blessing Project group continued to raise funds for masks to distribute to local orphanages and for minorities (mainly Africans) who are being mistreated. They are glad that Pui Tak Center has connections to ministries and churches outside of Chinatown so that other communities can be blessed and encouraged.