From Vulnerable Immigrant to Contributing Citizen
2020 will forever represent global pandemic, virus, death, social distancing and stay-at-home. Masks, hand sanitizers and toilet paper became hot items. Many businesses like restaurants closed down resulting in unprecedented unemployment rate. Meanwhile Pui Tak Center got a grant to start an Immigrant Welcome Center which expands our abilities to help individuals in need! God brought new staff including a retired CCUC missionary, a former CCUC-S pastoral staff member and three current Pui Tak Center volunteers to join our Community Service Specialist to serve our community’s needs.
Each member of the Welcoming Center team came to the U.S. as immigrants or refugee and experienced the helplessness of not knowing the ins and outs of living in Chicago. Judi Chow, the Immigrant Welcoming Center Coordinator, shares,
"We can empathize with immigrants who are not able to speak enough English to inform the doctor regarding the symptoms of their illnesses. By God’s grace we have acculturated and would like to help those that might still be struggling to be integrated and be able to benefit from this land of opportunity."
The Welcoming Center will provide information and referral, case management, crisis intervention and community education in order to assist Chinese immigrants and those with limited English skills become settled, re-establish/rebuild their lives and become contributing members of their community. The staff have developed its core values to guide its work including: love, serve, witness, respect, professionalism, encourage resourcefulness, integrity, results-oriented, patience and hospitality.
Although the team is still organizing its services, it eventually wants to mobilize volunteers to be a part of the Welcoming Center. Together, you can help fulfill the Welcoming Center's motto of "from vulnerable immigrants to contributing citizens."